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Bedruckte Motive für Fitnessstudios

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XXL Wall Print Yoga
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Runner
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Group Steam
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Runner Steam
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Runner Rain
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Skipping Rope
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Man Dumbbell
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Woman Dumbbell
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Kettlebell
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*
XXL Wall Print Man Predator
XXL Wall Print for your gym. In 3 different sizes and many different motifs! Individual motifs possible on our website.   XXL Wall Print for Gyms Big, high-quality pictures for the whole wall creating atmospheres The thermal fleece makes the rooms heat up faster and reduces the heating costs The room acoustics get improved by the material Hardly flammable Low preparatory work necessary Easy installation with wallpaper paste or double-sided tape The material can easily be cut with a knife 3 different sizes in the collection Inidividual designs in individual sizes possible Sustainability is very important for us! We use the most environmentally friendly printing technology in the world There is no sewage produced in the process We are using PVC-Free, recycled materials Most of the used energy gets produced by our own solar energy system

From €195.00*

Bedruckte Motive für Fitnessstudios – Motivierende Designs für Ihre Trainingsräume

Bringen Sie frischen Wind in Ihr Fitnessstudio mit unseren bedruckten Motiven, die speziell für Trainingsumgebungen entwickelt wurden. Unsere hochwertigen Drucke verleihen Ihren Räumen nicht nur eine ansprechende Optik, sondern schaffen auch eine inspirierende Atmosphäre, die Ihre Mitglieder motiviert und zum Training anregt.

Motivierende Designs für jeden Bereich

Unsere bedruckten Motive sind so konzipiert, dass sie perfekt in verschiedene Bereiche Ihres Fitnessstudios passen. Ob Krafttraining, Cardiobereich oder Entspannungszonen – wir bieten eine breite Palette an Designs, die Ihre Räumlichkeiten aufwerten und für Abwechslung sorgen. Wählen Sie aus inspirierenden Zitaten, dynamischen Sportbildern oder beruhigenden Naturmotiven, um die richtige Stimmung für jeden Bereich zu schaffen.

Hochwertige Drucke für langlebige Ergebnisse

Unsere Motive werden mit modernster Drucktechnologie auf strapazierfähigen Materialien produziert, die den Anforderungen eines aktiven Fitnessstudios problemlos standhalten. Die Drucke sind widerstandsfähig gegen Abnutzung, Kratzer und Feuchtigkeit, sodass sie auch in stark frequentierten Bereichen lange schön bleiben. Gleichzeitig sorgen die brillanten Farben und gestochen scharfen Details für eine erstklassige visuelle Wirkung.

Individuelle Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten

Jedes Fitnessstudio ist einzigartig, und deshalb bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre bedruckten Motive individuell anzupassen. Ob Sie Ihr eigenes Logo, spezielle Farben oder personalisierte Botschaften integrieren möchten – wir realisieren Ihre Vorstellungen und helfen Ihnen dabei, ein stimmiges und motivierendes Ambiente zu schaffen. Unser erfahrenes Team steht Ihnen zur Seite, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Wünsche perfekt umgesetzt werden.

Einfache Anbringung und Pflege

Unsere bedruckten Motive sind nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch praktisch in der Anwendung. Sie lassen sich einfach an Wänden und Böden anbringen und sind pflegeleicht, sodass sie auch bei intensiver Nutzung lange Zeit in bestem Zustand bleiben. Mit unseren Motiven gestalten Sie Ihre Räume schnell und unkompliziert neu, ohne großen Aufwand.